The first major traffic shift on 9th/Avon is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16th. All vehicular travel on 9th/Avon will be shifted to the existing two southbound lanes on the western bridge between East Market and Graves. The temporary signal has been activated at the 9th/Avon/Levy/Garrett intersection, the old signal removed and the old signal pole foundations will be removed this week. Throughout the day, lane shifts and closures are expected on 9th/Avon to eradicate any remaining pavement markings, add new pavement markings and align the new temporary signal heads to the new lane configuration. Uniformed police officers will be on-site all day to assist with the traffic shift. Please pay attention within the work zone to signage, barrels and safety vested workers as traffic is shifted throughout the day. Late afternoon, all traffic will be held between the East Market and Garrett/Levy intersections for 15 minutes as traffic is led into the new, long term traffic configuration by following marked work vehicles.
Two activities will occur on Water Street the week of November 15th – 20th – boring under the roadway to create a new electrical connection for the existing pedestrian lights along Water Street east of the bridge and investigation of the footings of the existing pedestrian tunnel. Vehicular travel will not be impacted on Water Street, however, equipment and vehicles will occupy space within 4 on-street parking spaces and the Transit Center’s loading zone. Pedestrian travel will be accommodated by workers along Water Street and through the existing pedestrian tunnel to/from the Downtown Mall via the Pavilion.
Public utility relocation from Graves Street has moved outside the 9th/Avon/Levy/Garrett intersection onto Garrett within the on-street parking spaces for the week of November 15th – 19th. Work will be completed in the daytime and no service interruptions are expected.
The road closure of Monticello Road between Levy Avenue and Graves Street has been temporarily placed on hold while scheduling is confirmed. Rockingham, a subcontractor for Dominion Energy, will be excavating the intersection of Monticello Road/Graves Street to access the concrete duct bank and pull new lines to connect to the overhead poles. Workers and inspectors will ensure access is maintained to residents’ homes as needed. Service interruptions are not expected in this second phase of four to transfer power to the new lines.
Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout the project area and access to private parcels will be accommodated.
Construction is being conducted by Caton Construction Group, Inc. for the City of Charlottesville’s Department of Public Works. The contractor is undergrounding electrical as well as telecommunication lines to accommodate the future pedestrian underpass under 9th/Avon Street between South Street and Monticello Road and maintain service to neighboring parcels.
Work zone is posted at 25 MPH – please drive carefully with phones down.